A crazy cuckoo round trip

A crazy cuckoo round trip

Barely arrived and made famous thanks to his GPS tag which transmits his travel prowess, “Clément” the male cuckoo has already left! He returned back to the Crozon peninsula in April after wintering in equatorial Africa (see previous article). The life of a male cuckoo, which invests nothing in its reproduction beyond courtship and mating, resembles that of a tourist. Clément has just passed through the Pyrenees after a two-stage crossing of the Bay of Biscay. Between Brittany and the Vendée, he flew between 10 and 200m altitude at around 38km/h, then, after a short break, he flew straight to the Pyrénées-Atlantiques at over 200m high and around 70km/h.

Enjoy the trip!

Track profile of the 2nd post-nuptial migration recorded in 2024 by the GPS beacon of Clément the cuckoo. Below, the altitude profiles corresponding to the stages highlighted on the map. Photo : F. Jiguet

Photo top page of this article : Thibaut Lacombe