Eurasian dotterel

Eurasian dotterel

Eudromias morinellus

The Eurasian guignard, or guignard plover, nests mainly in the north of the Eurasian continent in tundra and steppe environments. Nesting is fairly marginal in France. The species winters in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. During its migration, it seeks out steppe environments for its migratory stopovers. In France, high plateaus and low coastal moors, particularly on the Atlantic coast, are home to groups of migrating guignards. Very little information is available on the migratory routes of this hard-to-watch wader. Mergansers are caught at their migratory stopover sites close to the coast using vertical or horizontal nets, depending on the configuration of the site. They are equipped with GPS beacons weighing just over 3g, which transmit the birds’ geographical position and altitude live via the 4G network.

Migratory in France

Breeder in France

: Wintering in France