Falco columbarius
A small diurnal bird of prey in the northern hemisphere, the merlin nests in Iceland, Scandavia and northern and central Asia, as well as in North America. Falcons feed on small birds, which they spot from a high vantage point, and often hunt by speeding along at ground level. Nothing is known about the precise migratory movements of these falcons, which migrate southwards and pass through French territory in their hundreds every year. They are particularly numerous on the Breton islands, where they thrive in open environments, moors and salt meadows. Some individuals winter in France, particularly near the coast. Merlins are caught with vertical nets close to their nesting sites in Iceland, or close to their dormitories during migration or winter. They are equipped with 15g GPS beacons that transmit the birds’ geographical position and altitude live via the 4G network.