Arenaria interpres
A small shorebird, the ring-necked turnstone breeds in the polar and sub-polar latitudes of the northern hemisphere, in tundra and coastal areas. Tens of thousands of individuals from Greenland, Northern Europe and Siberia undertake long migrations, wintering or stopping off along the French coast. They feed on the foreshore at low tide, turning over sand and pebbles in search of mollusks and other small invertebrates.
Shorebirds are captured on moonless nights using vertical nets set between their feeding sites on the mudflats they frequent during their migratory stopover. All shorebirds are fitted with GPS tags weighing between 3 and 10g, depending on the size of the species. These beacons transmit the birds’ geographical position and altitude live via the 4G network.
Migratory in France
Breeder in France
: Wintering in France