Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
This relatively widespread species breeds throughout Europe and Central Asia, except in mountainous regions. The sedge warbler is migratory and winters in sub-Saharan Africa.
The sedge warbler is an insectivore found in wetlands, most often in reedbeds and large rushes, as its name suggests. They are often seen singing at the top of a large reed when marking their territory during the breeding season.
To find out more about the migratory routes of the sedge warbler and their flight altitudes, they are captured close to their nesting sites, particularly in Brittany. They are equipped with a 0.5g GLS which records the data (approximate geographical positions and precise atmospheric pressure for altitude). In order to collect the data, the GLSs have to be recovered the following year by recapturing the birds on their return from wintering.
Breeding in France ; Migratory, passing through France